Week 3

The game is now in Alpha.

 Menu and ending screens have been added.  Instead of having players collect the orbs to win, the game is now one, multi-leveled space and players have to collect 5 "supercharges". The new objective is to collect all 5 super charges however players need a certain momentum. A win condition has been introduced as well. The losing condition is still in progress as players will have several ways to "lose". The basic mechanics of the game are functional however. Collection, score counting, winning, collisions and such are effective.

I have opted out of the instantiation option and instead chose to have a set number of positive and negative charges in the level. Players have to make do with what they have and if they fail to, they will have to force a game over and simultaneously start over.

Sounds and music still need implementation.

I'm considering opting out of changing the models of the pieces too much. I may just throw a texture or two on the pieces to keep the play style of the game smooth. The sphere is very smooth and advantageous to the project. I like the abstractness of the objects as well.

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